Monday, October 7, 2013

The Disappearing Egg Experiment Day 3

We completed our experiment on Friday and recorded our final observations. We found that the egg sitting in water did not change at all in 3 days. However, the egg sitting in vinegar changed a lot. The shell disappeared! We determined that the acid in the vinegar ate away the shell. Everyone got a chance to touch and hold the eggs. The vinegar egg was squishy - many students described it as feeling like a water balloon. 

Friday, October 4, 2013

The Disappearing Egg Experiment Day 2

We started our Disappearing Egg Experiment on Wednesday. We placed one egg in a cup of water and one egg in a cup of vinegar. Everyday we will observe how these two liquids change the eggs. 

Day 2 Observations 

The egg in water has sunk to the bottom and hasn't changed much. The egg in vinegar is floating and covered in bubbles and foam. What will happen on Day 3?